
Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

Prabowo Bela Jokowi-JK di Hadapan Pendukungnya

 Prabowo Bela Jokowi-JK di Hadapan Pendukungnya 

Peristiwa tak biasa terjadi saat kampanye pasangan calon presiden dan wakil presiden nomor urut 1, Prabowo-Hatta, di Gedung Serba Guna, Jalan Pancing Medan, siang tadi. Jika biasanya para kandidat saling menjatuhkan, Prabowo yang langsung menjadi orator utama dalam kampanye dialogis itu, justru membela rivalnya, Jokowi-JK.

Kala itu Prabowo baru saja memulai orasinya. Ia memberi penjelasan soal Pilpres 9 Juli mendatang yang akan diikuti oleh dua pasangan kandidat.

Saat Prabowo menyebutkan nama pasangan Jokowi-JK, ribuan massa yang memadati gedung lantas menyoraki dengan nada mengejek. Namun Prabowo justu membela rivalnya itu.

“Enggak boleh begitu. Bangsa beradab, bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang menghormati setiap pimpinannya. Kita boleh semangat, kita boleh yakin dengan diri kita, tapi tidak dengan menjelek-jelekkan orang lain,” cetus Prabowo.

Kalimat imbauan dari Prabowo itu pun lantas disambut tepuk tangan oleh ribuan pendukungnya.

Prabowo pun meminta massa pendukungnya untuk tidak melakukan kampanye hitam selama proses pemilihan. Menurutnya, tindakan itu hanya akan merugikan Indonesia dan siapapun kelak yang memenangkan kontestasi demokrasi itu harus tetap dihormati.

“Kami tidak ingin dipecah belah. Perjuangan kita tulus, iklas, benar, dan suci. Jadi jangan kotori dengan kampanye hitam. Saya tadi bersalaman dengan banyak orang, termasuk banyak perempuan. Tangan mereka begitu kuat menggenggam tangan saya. Mari gunakan kekuatan itu untuk mempersatukan Indonesia, membangkitkan kejayaan Indonesia,” sebutnya.

Prabowo Subianto : Jong Ambon (Ambon Young Peoples) Declaration of Support Prabowo - Hatta

Prabowo Subianto : Jong Ambon (Ambon Young Peoples) Declaration of Support Prabowo - Hatta

Rows of Prabowo-Hatta supporters continues to grow. This time, dozens of members of the House of Ambon archipelago, Jong Ambon Basudara  declare support for the pair number 1
"Since the oath of youth, Jong Ambon fought for independence from Indonesia. Jong Ambon This time willingly supported Jong Java (Prabowo) and Jong Sumateranen Bond (Hatta) as President and Vice-President of Indonesia," said a spokesman Derek Loupatty in Polonia House, Cimpedak Cipinang Street, East Jakarta, Wednesday (06/11/2014).
They wore white image Prabowo-Hatta on the front with the back of the shirt that read "I'm just normal people, I choose Prabowo Hatta.
"In the spirit of struggle 'Lawa Mena Hau Lala" (progressive exist), which was detected by national hero Kapitan Pattimura, Martha Christina Tiahahu and J.Leimena which eventually led to the proclamation of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945, we hereby declare the next generation Jong Ambon determination, the coalition combines red and white support, "said a member of the" Jong Ambon, "Brampi Kolelsy Leka.
Since Prabowo and Hatta as nothing Polonia House, they were met by the deputy chairman of the Winning Team Prabowo-Hatta, George Toisutta. It provided also given a message Prabowo-Hatta for the support, the # 1 presidential couple.
"We all start with a pure heart, it should not be a negative thing in our minds." George said.

Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

50 Kiais and 18 Regional Head in the East Java siding Prabowo

50 Kiai and 18 Regional Head in the East Java siding Prabowo
Java is the national voice barns, many influential scholars inhabited.

At least 50 kiai of a boarding school in East Java ready to win Prabowo - Hatta in the presidential election July 9, 2014. Readiness is also coming from the 18 head of regions in the province.

"That number could still grow. They are placed on the Advisory Board Prabowo - Hatta campaign team East Java" said Muhammad Fawait, 2014-2019 Gerindra legislators who are also caregivers Pondok Pesantren Nurul Al - Qodiri Chotib IV Jember, Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

A number of scholars who have declared their joining, among others, from boarding school Prabowo Sidogiri Pasuruan, Lirboyo Kediri, Ploso, Al - Qodiri Jember, and others.

" Thank God, incredible speech. The number of scholars is docked to Prabowo - Hatta make us more confident to achieve the target 62 percent of the national vote " said Fawait.

But he was not ready to call anyone's head detailed areas in East Java that has entered into force Prabowo" Clearly one of Jember Regent Djalal sir" said Fawait.

The kiai and regional head Prabowo supporters, including from outside of East Java, will gather at the Pondok Pesantren Al - Qodiri, Jember, Thursday, June 5, 2014, concurrent with the calendar year-end manakib at the boarding school.

At the same time, at boarding school Sidogiri, Pasuruan, also will be a meeting to be attended by Prabowo, East Java Deputy Governor Saifullah Yusuf, and Chairman of the National Campaign Team Prabowo - Hatta Mahfud MD.

"About 2,500 Kiai, including kiai village, will be present. The plan Bang Haji Rhoma Irama also present" said Fawait .

According to him, East Java, especially Horseshoe region - Pasuruan, Probolinggo, Lumajang, Jember, Situbondo, Bondowoso, and Banyuwangi, Prabowo campaign became the first goal for the area is one of the national vote, and many barns occupied influential elder scholars.

Prabowo Subianto : Five Sultanate Community of Malay Support Prabowo Hatta

Prabowo Subianto : Five Sultanate Community of Malay Support Prabowo Hatta They support and are ready to win the pair number one.

Volunteer supporters of candidates for president and vice president, Prabowo and Hatta Rajasa, who comes from a number of ethnic Malays in North Sumatra, declared their supporting for the pair Prabowo and Hatta Rajasa, Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

Declaration, which was held in the Palace Maimoon, Jalan Brig Katamso, Medan, vice Hatta Rajasa witnessed. A number of figures from the Malay Sultanate in North Sumatra, were present to provide support to the number one's pair.

Arrival Hatta Rajasa and Marzuki Alie Akbar along with the dance troupe welcomed magnificent offerings and the upstream entrance balang Maimoon Palace. Seen also PSSI chairman Djohar Arifin, which is one of the leaders in the Malay Sultanate Langkat.

In this historic palace, Hatta witness the declaration of the Malay community or Malays Supports All Prabowo - Hatta  consisting of Sultan of Deli, Sultan of Serdang, Sultan of Asahan, Sultan of Kualuh and the Sultan of Langkat.

On this occasion, Hatta also pinned a set of custom apparel and awards Balai Adat Melayu, the Malay community as a tribute to the leaders.

"Stempel is a symbol of the spirit to win Prabowo - Hatta as president and vice president on July 9" said Hatta.

In his speech, Hatta sure if he was elected, committed to advancing the economy of coastal communities whose ethnic Malay -majority is public.

Prabowo Subianto : Fear damned, Prabowo not Want to Give Briefing Regional Head

Prabowo Subianto : Fear damned, Prabowo not Want to Give Briefing Regional Head
"I have not become president," Prabowo said.

Prabowo refused to give direction to the winning team consisting of regional governors, mayors, and regents of the coalition parties of the Red and White. Though the team was scheduled to hold a meeting it will receive referrals from Prabowo.

"I do not intend to give referrals. I damned later. I have not become president" said Prabowo in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Gerindra grateful for meeting regional winning team that did not last formal and legs. " I am somewhat relieved that the informal nature of this meeting" said Prabowo.

The officer who was at his side, said Prabowo, better know their local conditions and know what is the best approach to the region.

Help the head of the region, according to Prabowo, absolutely necessary to win the presidential election July 9, for real support in pockets of the people at the grass roots . So the most effective strategy is to approach people directly.

Several regional heads who attended the meeting with Prabowo, among others: South Kalimantan Governor Rudy Ariffin, East Kalimantan Governor Awang Faroek, Junaidi Hamsyah Bengkulu Governor, Governor of South Sulawesi Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Annas Maamun Riau Governor, Vice Governor of Aceh, as well as the Regents and Sukabumi mayor.

Minggu, 01 Juni 2014

Prabowo Subianto Indonesia : Prabowo-Hatta Dapat Nomor Urut 1, Jokowi-JK 2

Prabowo Subianto Indonesia : Prabowo-Hatta Dapat Nomor Urut 1, Jokowi-JK 2

Kedua pasangan calon presiden dan calon wakil presiden RI, Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa dan Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla, telah mengambil nomor urut keikutsertaan mereka dalam Pemilihan Presiden 9 Juli 2014.

Berdasarkan pengambilan nomor urut yang berlangsung di kantor Komisi Pemilihan Umum Jakarta, 1 Juni 2014, Prabowo-Hatta mendapat nomor 1 dan Jokowi-JK mendapat nomor urut 2.

Sebelumnya sesuai aturan KPU, untuk pengambilan nomor urut ini, yang terlebih dahulu maju ke depan adalah masing-masing calon wakil presiden, yakni Hatta Rajasa dan Jusuf Kalla. Hatta merupakan pasangan Prabowo dan JK pasangan Jokowi.

Masing-masing cawapres kemudian mengambil bola transparan berisi nomor yang ada di dalam wadah kotak. Siapa yang mendapat nomor tertinggi, capresnya yang akan memilih nomor urut terlebih dahulu.

Setelah mengambil bola, Hatta mendapat nomor empat, sedangkan JK mendapat nomor delapan. Sehingga Jokowi mendapat kesempatan terlebih dahulu mengambil nomor urut yang diletakkan dalam tabung warna cokelat. Setelah itu barulah Prabowo mengambil tabung tersisa. Keduanya kemudian membuka tabung secara bersamaan. Dan pasangan Prabowo-Hatta mendapat nomor urut 1, sedangkan Jokowi-JK mendapat nomor urut 2.

Hasil tersebut secara spontan mendapat respon meriah dari masing-masing pendukung. Bahkan pendukung Prabowo dan Hatta segera mengiringi dengan sejumlah lagu-lagu perjuangan yang sudah mereka ubah liriknya.

Partai koalisi Merah Putih di belakang Prabowo-Hatta tak mempersoalkan nomor berapapun yang akan didapat Prabowo-Hatta. “Semua nomor baik untuk Prabowo-Hatta. Nggak masalah dapat nomor berapa juga. Insya Allah kami menang,” kata Ketua Umum ARB.

Sekjen Golkar Idrus Marham mengamini ucapan ARB. “Kami ini cari menang, bukan cari nomor. Nomor berapa saja tak masalah,” ujarnya.